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MX MOD Audio, committed to enhance music reproduction Backed by MX RAY Studios, pioneers in PC-based music systems and DAWs, they are at the audio industry's forefront. Key undertakings include mods on Sony's MDR-XB700, MDR XB500, Bluedio Victory, Bluedio V2, ISK 9999 and partnering with brands like KZ Acoustics and Edifier. Zoltan Beregszaszi, a mechanical and sound engineer is the driving force behind MX MODS, and Thomas Sebestyen, an audio engineer with Grade 10 Conservatory level graduation, have both contributed significantly to the projects success.

"It's an experience with these on! Every note, it's just... wow!"

Luke - Session Musician

"Truly unparalleled performance."

Ian - Music Enthusiast

"MX MOD's XB700-MX MOD1 has transformed how I hear music. Music's never been this real!"

Michael - Audiophile, Music Enthusiast


Zoltan Beregszaszi

Zoltan Beregszaszi

CEO, Mechanical & Sound Engineer, Designer, Artist

Gabriela Beregszaszi

Gabi DeCarmo

Marketing & Social Media Director

Susana Sebestyen

Dr. Susana Sebestyen

CFO, Scientific Advisor

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John Bako

QA, Technical Advisor

Thomas Sebestyen

Thomas Sebestyen

QA, Audio Engineer, Musician, Artist, Cool Dude

No photo

Dan Perry

Logistics Director

MX MODS Audio Ent. is a Wholly Owned Subsidiary of DnR Tech Group / D&R Mfg. Ltd.
2530 Speers Rd. Unit 1, Oakville, Ontario, Canada, L6L 5K8
905 847 3889

Copyright © 2007-2024 MX MODS™ Audio Ent.  All rights reserved.

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